My Police and Crime Plan sets out the strategy that we will be following over the next four years. A PDF of the Plan is available on this web page.
Each PCC must produce a "police and crime plan" within a year of being elected [or re-elected]. That plan must include his or her objectives for policing, what resources will be provided to the chief constable and how performance will be measured. Both the PCC and the chief constable must have regard to the police and crime plan in the exercise of their duties. It also serves as a guidance for other bodies such as Community Safety Partnerships, Violence Reduction Networks and others involved with fighting crime, supporting victims or ensuring community safety.
Through a police and crime plan, a PCC will set out their strategic policing and crime objectives as well as other areas stipulated in Section 7 of the 2011 Act. The police and crime plan is an important document and can have far reaching impacts on the police force and other local stakeholders. PCCs are therefore required to consult their Chief Constable on the draft plan and send the draft plan to the relevant Police and Crime Panel. They should draw upon a wide range of information from the police, community safety and criminal justice partners to ensure it reflects the police and crime issues which are affecting the area. PCCs are also required to seek the views of the public on the draft police and crime plan through a public consultation, and to obtain the views of victims of crime in the area about matters concerning policing (as set out in Section 14 of the PRSR Act 2011). Once a plan has been issued, the PCC must keep it under review, to allow for changing police and crime priorities or new guidance. They must also issue annual reports on progress against the plan. If a PCC decides to vary their police and crime plan at any point, they must again consult their Chief Constable and send the varied plan to the PCP, having regard to any report or recommendation the panel may make.