At the beginning of the month I visited the Claybrooke Magna area with regards to speeding., particularly on High Cross Road as it enters the village from the west. Following on from my visit the Road Safety team will check if they have previously monitored speed data for Claybrook Magna. If there is no data on record, then Claybrook Magna will be added to the list for speed to be monitored in the future.
Anyone with concerns should report it via Report a road traffic incident | Leicestershire Police (leics.police.uk)
Leicestershire Police and the Road Safety team monitor reports on a regular basis. When a volume of reports is noted, this triggers an action plan from speed monitors, additional patrols and speed enforcement activities (based on the data in terms of hours/days of concern etc).
I will be keeping an eye on the situation in Claybrooke Magna following my visit and will update this article when there is something to report.